January 12, 2018 - Senator Hutchinson participates in a ribbon cutting at Matric Limited’s Seneca facility in Venango County. Matric is a contract manufacturer of electronic assemblies, offering world-class Electronic Manufacturing Services. The company was awarded a low interest loan by the Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority, a program specifically designed to help businesses make capital investments that will create well-paid, full-time jobs.

February 10, 2018 – Senator Hutchinson recently had the pleasure of presenting a citation to Cameron Watson honoring his recent achievement of Eagle Scout. Cameron is a member of Troop 28 of Rocky Grove. For his Eagle Scout project he constructed target stands for Izaak Walton League of Oil City.”

February 14, 2018 - Senator Hutchinson presented Stanley Fedorek with a citation from the Senate of Pennsylvania recognizing his outstanding contribution and service to his community and the Commonwealth. Stanley was born on February 6, 1918. Throughout his life he has had a career in the steel industry, served his county in WW II, and served his community as a police officer and later as Mayor of Cambridge Springs.”

February 25, 2018 – Senator Hutchinson presented a citation to Ian James Henry of Knox to recognize his achievement of the rank of Eagle Scout. For his Eagle Scout project, he landscaped the playground area, constructed raised flowerbeds, and created a path for the Cornerstone Church of Clarion.

January 9, 2018 – Senator Hutchinson presented Rachel Enos with her PA Farm Show Scholarship. Rachel has participated in 4-H, agriculture, and the PA Farm Show for several years and was recently crowned the 2016 Warren County Dairy Princess.

February 20, 2018 – Senator Hutchinson attended a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing where he received testimony from the Treasury and Treasurer Joe Torsella.

January 24, 2018 – Senator Hutchinson attended a joint House and Senate Veterans’ Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee hearing and received testimony from the Deputy Adjutant General for Veterans Affairs, the Commissioners from the six Veterans Homes, the State Veterans Commission and the PA War Veterans Council.

April 14, 2018 – Senator Hutchinson presented a citation to Daniel Landers from Clarion County recognizing his recent achievement of Eagle Scout. Daniel joined Cub Scouts in the first grade and is currently a member of Troop 403. For his Eagle Scout project Daniel designed, secured funding for, and facilitated the building of two raised bed gardens outside of the Redbank Valley High School Greenhouse.

March 15, 2018 - Senator Hutchinson participated with students who were discussing public policy initiatives at his annual student government seminar held at Clarion University.”

March 19, 2018 - Senator Hutchinson attended a Senate Health and Human Services Committee meeting where he asked several questions regarding the legislation being considered.

April, 10 2018 - Senator Hutchinson met with students and faculty from Butler & Beaver County Community Colleges during their Student Lobby Day. Pictured with him is Rep. Brian Ellis from Butler County.

April 17, 2018 - Senator Hutchinson listened to testimony from members representing the farm bureaus of northwest Pennsylvania during their annual Farm Bureau Legislative Day forum. Members from throughout the Commonwealth gathered together in Harrisburg to share their thoughts and concerns regarding the many agriculture issues facing the farming community.

April 23, 2018 - Senator Hutchinson met with social work students from his district during the National Association of Social Workers’ annual advocacy day.

April 25, 2018 - Senator Hutchinson listened to testimony during an joint Veterans Affairs & Emergency Preparedness Committee and Environmental Resources & Energy Committee hearing on flooding issues.

April 30, 2018 - Senator Hutchinson met with young adults from the TeenPact Leadership School. Pictured with him is Representative Oberlander from Clarion County.

April 30, 2018 - Senator Hutchinson met with Thomas McConnell, who currently serves as the Clarion County Treasurer.

May 1, 2018 - Senator Hutchinson attended a press conference in the Capitol rotunda being held by the Boy Scouts of America. The BSA were holding their first annual Boy Scout Day at the Capitol to raise awareness of their organization and to provide the Governor and General Assembly with a report of the state of scouting in the Commonwealth.

March 12, 2018 - Senator Hutchinson met with 4-H students during their annual 4-H Capitol Day and discussed various issues that are important to them and the agricultural community in Pennsylvania.

May 19, 2018 – Senator Hutchinson presented Timothy Friedhaber with a citation honoring his achievement of Eagle Scout. Timothy is a member of Troop 17 in Oil City and served his troop as Assistant Patrol Leader and Senior Patrol Leader. For his Eagle Scout Project he constructed storage shelves for the Oil City High School Band.

June 24, 2018 – Senator Hutchinson presented a citation to Benjamin Nutt recognizing his achievement of Eagle Scout. Benjamin is a member of Troop 31 in Youngsville, and he has served as a Scribe and Senior Patrol Leader. For his Eagle Scout project he constructed a picnic table and two benches for a site that overlooks the river along the Youngsville bicycle trail.

July 30, 2018 – Senator Hutchinson presented Nathan Simmons with a citation to recognize his recent achievement of Eagle Scout. Nathan is a member of Troop 55 in Ninevah and has served his troop as a Patrol Leader and Senior Patrol Leader. For his Eagle Scout project he made improvements to the Wentlings Corners Community Hall grounds.

August 7, 2018 – Senator recently attended a roundtable discussion on school safety hosted by the Senate Policy Committee. The discussion focused on legislation recently enacted to help improve school safety, pending proposals to strengthen school safety, and additional measures that the legislature should consider in the future.

August 23, 2018 – Senator Hutchinson presented a citation to Robert Cardamone recognizing his forty-two year service to Community Action Incorporated. Mr. Cardamone joined Community Action Inc. in 1975 as the Program and Fiscal Planner and moved through the ranks, eventually being named Executive Director. In addition to his service at Community Action Inc., he also spent time as an associate professor at Indiana University of Pennsylvania and has served in the United States Army.”

September 12, 2018 – Senator Hutchinson presented Brian McCafferty with a citation recognizing his receipt of the 2018 Community Champion Award from the Butler County Area Chamber of Commerce. Along with owning and operating his family’s business, Kenmac Rental & Sales, that has been in the community for over 50 years, Brian serves on the board of trustees at Butler County Community College and on the board of the City of Butler Redevelopment Authority.

September 18, 2018 – Senator Hutchinson attended a tour and orphan well plugging with local oil and gas producers.

October 7, 2018 – Senator Hutchinson presented Justin Weaver with a citation recognizing his recent achievement of Eagle Scout. Justin was a member of Troop 55 in Ninevah and has served his troop as troop historian and patrol leader. For his Eagle Scout project, Justin constructed a new baseball backstop and installed player benches on the grounds of the Salem Township Community Building.

October 26, 2018 – Senator Hutchinson attended a Senior Expo at the Allegheny Community Center in Warren. The event was hosted by Representative Rapp who is also pictured.

October 15, 18 - Senator Hutchinson presented a citation to the Rocky Grove boys baseball team in honor of the 2018 PIAA State Class AA Championship. Rocky Grove became the first District 10 team to win the State Class AA Championship by beating Camp Hill High School by a score of 5-4.

December 5, 2018 – Senator Hutchinson visited The Center for Organ Recovery & Education (CORE), a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting donation, education and research for the purpose of saving and improving lives through organ, tissue and cornea transplantation, and met Brittany Grimm, a recent heart transplant recipient.