January 21, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson speaks with Sarah Burke from Pleasantville about her recent scholarship she received from the Pennsylvania Farm Show Scholarship Foundation.”

January 21, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson speaks with Justin Heasley from New Bethlehem about his recent scholarship he received from the Pennsylvania Farm Show Scholarship Foundation.”

January 17, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson stands with Russel Siegworth to congratulate him on earning the rank of Eagle Scout! For his Eagle Scout project Russel constructed child sized picnic tables to be put at the Knox Community Park. Russel is from Clarion County and is a member of Troop 56 in Knox, PA.

January 31, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson Congratulates Andrew Hines on his recent achievement of the rank of Eagle Scout! For his Eagle Scout project he painted the interior of the Polk Volunteer Fire Department fire hall. Andrew is a member of Troop 34 in Franklin and is also from Franklin.

February 4, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson met with David Rand, Danae Rand, Stephen Rand from Titusville. David (on left) is applying for the "Pennsylvania House of Representatives Scholarship" which is provided by "The Foundation for Enhancing Communities." For the scholarship, a student must review the current standing committees, their membership, policy areas, and suggest a new committee that should be established in the legislature. He must also comment on what policy area would be the focus of the committee and what experience he would like to see required of members on the committee.

March 6, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson stands with Jeremiah Jordan, from Millcreek Township, who recently achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. Jeremiah is a member of Troop 51 and for his Eagle Scout project he restored a pond in Allegheny National Forest.

February 29, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson met this year’s 4-H King and Queen, Austin Gray and Dori Kralj, of the Venango County 4-H Club. They were honored at the annual Venango County 4-H Leadership Dinner.”

March 10, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson speaks to the attendees of his annual Student Government Seminar. Students from all over Senator Hutchinson’s district came to learn about their state government, the role of the legislator and what it is like to be a Pennsylvania state senator.”

April 6, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson meets with student pharmacists from his district to discuss current legislation and the state of the pharmacy industry. The students were from Duquesne University, LECOM and the University of Pittsburgh and were in Harrisburg to participate in a pharmacy rally that was being held at the Capitol.

April 11, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson speaks at a Joint Legislative Conservation Committee issue forum on sustainable manufacturing in the forest products industry. Pictured next to him at the table are industry experts Craig Timm of Domtar, Paul Lyskava of the PA Forest Products Association and Jerry Schwartz of the American Forest and Paper Association. The issue forum discussed the state of the paper products industry in Pennsylvania as well as future plans for the industry

April 13, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson, along with Representative Kathy Rapp, presents Forest County Commissioner Basil Huffman with a resolution recognizing his service at DCED’s Local Government Day Ceremony. He was also recognized that day by DCED for his outstanding work as Commissioner of Forest County. He also was a recipient of the Governor’s Award for Local Government Excellence.”

April 12, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson, along with Representative Lee James, met with students from Rocky Grove High School on their trip to the Capitol. The students spoke with Senator Hutchinson about their studies and education issues.

April 12, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson meets with constituents to discuss social work education and licensing. The constituents were all either social workers or in school for social work and were in Harrisburg as part of the National Association of Social Workers advocacy day.

April 12, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson meets with students from Slippery Rock University and Juniata College that were at the Capitol for Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Pennsylvania Student Advocacy Day.

April 12, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson met with Andy Moore and Jason Schott of the Warren County Firefighters to discuss firefighter and local government issues. Andy and Jason were in Harrisburg as part of the firefighters’ annual legislative day.

April 11, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson met with Debi King from Huntingdon National Bank, Aubrey Hulings from Farmers National Bank of Emlenton and Jennifer Roxbury also from Farmers National Bank of Emlenton. They were in Harrisburg to talk about banking issues and legislation during the Pennsylvania Bankers Association Advocacy Day

April 5, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson had the honor of presenting a certificate of recognition to Caden Patton, a 4th grader from Butler County, congratulating him on his poster he drew for the PA Liquor Control Board’s annual alcohol awareness contest. Caden’s poster was chosen to be one of the top posters in the state among those that were submitted.

April 5, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson met with Slippery Rock University students to discuss issues regarding higher education and the state system universities. The students were in Harrisburg attending the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education’s Advocacy Day.

March 9, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson poses for a picture with Penn State Agriculture Extension students from Venango and Clarion counties.

March 22, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson met with students from the University of Pittsburgh, Titusville campus, during the University of Pittsburgh’s annual Pitt Day in Harrisburg.

February 8, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson met with faculty and students from both Clarion University and Slippery Rock University during PSSHE and APSCUF’s rally day on the hill. Senator discussed issues relating to higher education as well as the budget.

March 9, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson listened to testimony relating to veterans’ issues at a joint House and Senate Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee hearing.

April 5, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson meets with students from Clarion University during PASSHE’s Advocacy Day. They discussed issues specific to Clarion University as well as issues relating to the state system of higher education as a whole.”

May 2, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson met with Eric Schmader of the Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company to discuss issues related to the mutual insurance industry.

May 17, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson met with David Marzak from Lamar Advertising. David was in Harrisburg for the Outdoor Association of Advertisers’ annual conference.

May 17, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson met with Civil Air Patrol Vice-Commander Kevin Berry and his daughter Civil Air Patrol Cadel Lt. Col. Ceara Berry, who are residents of his district. They met to discuss the Civil Air Patrol program and its funding for the upcoming fiscal year. Ceara is a high school junior from Renfrew in Butler County and is a recipient of the prestigious Eaker Award, which denotes successful completions of all achievements of the Cadet Program. Kevin and Ceara were also introduced by Senator Hutchinson on the Senate floor as honorary guests for that day’s session.

May 23, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson had the chance to visit and take a picture with students and faculty from Keystone Junior/Senior High School during a visit to the Capitol. Keystone Junior/Senior High School is located in Knox, PA, in Clarion County.

June 6, 2016 – “Senator Hutchinson takes a picture with Representative Kathy Rapp and her grandson, Hayden. Representative Rapp serves all of Warren County and parts of Crawford and Forest Counties. Hayden is working as an intern this summer at the Capitol as a page.”

June 8, 2016 – “Senator Hutchinson stands with David Clark and Arthur Stewart from the Pennsylvania Grade Crude Oil Coalition after passage of his legislation, Senate Bill 279, out of the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee. The legislation would establish a Pennsylvania Grade Crude Development Advisory Council to help advise the Department of Environmental Protection during the rulemaking process and would promote the long term viability of the conventional oil and gas industry.”

June 22, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson met with local participants in the Keystone Girls and Keystone Boys programs when they visited the Capitol on June 22. The Pennsylvania American Legion Boys State and Pennsylvania American Legion Auxiliary Girls State are the premier programs for teaching how government works while developing leadership skills and an appreciation for their rights as a citizen of our great nation and Commonwealth.

June 22, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson met with local participants in the Keystone Girls and Keystone Boys programs when they visited the Capitol on June 22. The Pennsylvania American Legion Boys State and Pennsylvania American Legion Auxiliary Girls State are the premier programs for teaching how government works while developing leadership skills and an appreciation for their rights as a citizen of our great nation and Commonwealth.

July 8, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson presents a citation to Judy Kennedy recognizing her receipt of the Friend of the Fair Award for her work with the Antique Department at the Big Butler Fair. This award is presented by the Department of Agriculture to a volunteer who was integral and critical to the fair’s success. Along with volunteering at the Big Butler Fair, Judy also participates on several other fair committees as well as attending local and state wide events in promotion of her committees’ fairs.

June 15, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson met with a group of girl scouts from Franklin, Pennsylvania during a visit to the Capitol. Senator Hutchinson is also pictured with Representative Lee James from Oil City.

June 22, 2015 - Senator Hutchinson presented faculty from Slippery Rock University with a citation honoring their reception of the Green Ribbon School Award given to them by the US Department of Education. The award is given to schools that reduce their environmental impact and cost, improve the health and wellness of schools, students, and staff, and/or provide environmental education to its students and faculty.

July 27, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson presents a citation to Charles Miller to honor his receipt of the Department of Agriculture’s Friend of the Fair Award. Charles has been attending the fair for many years and has served as Rabbit Chairman since 1996.

August 8, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson presents Jerry Jespersen with a citation recognizing his receipt of the 2016 Friend of the Fair Award given by the Department of Agriculture. Jerry has been involved with the Warren County Fair for almost 40 years. Over the years he has served as vice president, buildings and grounds manager, member of the Policy Development Committee and Chairman of the Motorsports Arena.

November 1, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson read to a group of children at Lifesteps’ Butler facility. The event and facility tour was organized by the Pittsburgh Association for the Education of Young Children. The PAEYC works to improve the quality of educational services provided to children and to educate parents and those involved with children about the best practices in early childhood education. The PAEYC aims to help children from birth to the age of nine and is present in ten counties across southwestern Pennsylvania.

October 28, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson joined with Representative Tedd Nesbit and Butler County Commissioners Kim Geyer, Leslie Osche and Kevin Boozel at a ribbon cutting ceremony for Iron Mountain’s new welcome center at its Boyers facility in Butler County. Iron Mountain, and other data centers in Pennsylvania, will benefit from an equipment tax credit that was passed as part of the 2015-2016 fiscal year state budget.

October 24, 2016 – Senator Hutchinson met with the District 1 girls softball team. On the team is Brienna Canter, a constituent of Senator Hutchinson’s. The girls recently won a trip to the World Series by beating New Jersey by a score of 14-7. The team made it all the way to the semi-finals.

October 17, 2016 – Stephanie Applegate recently began an internship with the Joint Legislative Conservation Committee, on which Senator Hutchinson serves as chairman. Stephanie is from Middletown, PA and is majoring in Policy Management at Dickinson College in Carlisle. She is a member of several honor societies and after her undergraduate studies she plans to pursue a graduate degree in Public Policy.