Hutchinson Supports Senate Republicans’ Budget Veto Override
Responding to growing pleas from schools and community groups to release overdue state funding, Senator Scott Hutchinson supported Senate Republicans’ effort on Wednesday (October 28) to override Governor Wolf’s veto of an emergency budget passed last month by the General Assembly. [Read More]
Local Government Committee to Meet on Wednesday, October 28
The Senate Local Government Committee will meet at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, October 28, in Room 461 of the State Capitol in Harrisburg, according to Committee Chairman Senator Scott Hutchinson. [Read More]
Senators Laud Groundbreaking for Glade Run Lake Restoration
State Senators Randy Vulakovich, Don White and Scott Hutchinson joined with local officials on Thursday (October 15) for a groundbreaking ceremony marking the start of the rehabilitation and restoration of Glade Run Lake Dam. [Read More]
Hutchinson Participates in Panel to Discuss Local Benefits of Impact Fees and Industry Cooperation
Speaking at a conference featuring national leaders in shale development and public policy, Senator Scott Hutchinson detailed efforts by western Pennsylvania communities to invest the state’s impact fee to protect and improve water quality in the region. [Read More]
Stop Gap Budget Provides Money for Vital Services, Schools
The Senate today (September 18) approved a three-bill “stop gap” budget package to provides funding for schools and vital social services and sent the measures to the House of Representatives for consideration, according to Senator Scott Hutchinson. [Read More]
Senate Adopts Hutchinson Resolution Supporting PA Timber Industry
The Senate today (September 17) unanimously adopted a Resolution introduced by Senator Scott Hutchinson that will protect and promote the state’s forest areas and the thousands of family-sustaining jobs provided by the wood harvesting industry. [Read More]