News Releases

Senate Sends Broadband Expansion Bill to the Governor
November 20, 2020

Senate Sends Broadband Expansion Bill to the Governor

Legislation that would create a grant program to extend deployment of broadband services in underserved areas of the state earned final approval in the Senate today and was sent to the governor to be signed into law, according to Senator Scott Hutchinson, who supported the bill.  [Read More]

Marion Township Receives $4.1 M PENNVEST Funding
October 21, 2020

Marion Township Receives $4.1 M PENNVEST Funding

Marion Township, Butler County, was today (October 21) awarded $4.1 million in funding from the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) for a major wastewater treatment project to serve Boyers and Atwells Crossing, according to Senator Scott Hutchinson (R-21) and Representative Timothy Bonner (R-8).  [Read More]

Senate Approves Bipartisan Bill to Boost Fire and EMS Services
October 21, 2020

Senate Approves Bipartisan Bill to Boost Fire and EMS Services

The Senate approved a comprehensive package of bipartisan reforms today to improve the delivery of fire and EMS services throughout the state, according to Senator Scott Hutchinson who supported the legislation.  [Read More]

Applications for $50 million Fire & EMS Grant Program Now Accepted
July 9, 2020

Applications for $50 million Fire & EMS Grant Program Now Accepted

The guidelines for the COVID-19 Crisis Fire Company and EMS Grant Program created by Senate Bill 1122 have been released and local fire companies and EMS agencies may now apply to receive funds, according to Senator Scott Hutchinson, who supported the bill on its way to being enacted into law.  [Read More]

June 30, 2020

Senate Adopts Hutchinson Bill Improving Office of State Fire Commissioner

The Senate today (June 30) passed legislation that will fundamentally restructure and improve the Office of the State Fire Commissioner, according to Senators Scott Hutchinson (R-21) and Mike Regan (R-31).   Listen  [Read More]

June 23, 2020

Senate Finance Committee Approves Four Bills

The Senate Finance Committee approved four bills on Tuesday (June 23), according to Committee Chairman Senator Scott Hutchinson (R-21).   [Read More]

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