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In this Update:

  • 2024-25 State Budget Passes
  • Program Connecting Veterans with Benefits Receives Senate Approval
  • Online Dashboard Shows Tick Hot Spots
  • Promoting Safe Driving Habits

2024-25 State Budget Passes

Although I was pleased the final version of the budget reduced Gov. Josh Shapiro’s original plan by $750 million, I still believe it relies too heavily on one-time revenues for ongoing programs, so I opposed it.  

However, in the final mix of legislation enacted this past week, several proposals on which I have worked for a long time to improve Pennsylvania’s economic climate are now law.  We passed a regulatory reform bill to expedite state Department of Environmental Protection permit approvals, as well as continuing improvements to our state business taxes to promote job creation.

Program Connecting Veterans with Benefits Receives Senate Approval

The Senate this week unanimously approved legislation to establish in law the PA VETConnect program to help Pennsylvania veterans access programs, services and benefits in their communities.

Senate Bill 447 would establish in law the PA VETConnect program, which is administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs and helps the commonwealth’s more than 700,000 veterans access services in their communities.

The database of resources enables local veteran advocates – including staff at county veterans affairs offices – to point veterans to information, resources, programs and services in their area and across the commonwealth.

Online Dashboard Shows Tick Hot Spots

Tick season is in full swing, but there are ways to continue to enjoy the many benefits of the Great Outdoors while minimizing the risk of becoming a victim of a tickborne disease. Pennsylvanians should take precautions every time they spend time outside as the state leads the nation in the number of Lyme disease cases.

A new Pennsylvania Department of Health online dashboard shows where ticks are prevalent and the latest data on tickborne disease activity, such as Lyme disease.

Tick bites can be limited using preventative measures. Treat clothing and gear with products containing 0.5% permethrin. Use Environmental Protection Agency-registered insect repellents. Walk in the center of trails and avoid wooded and brushy areas with high grass and leaf litter. When returning indoors, check your clothing, gear and pets for ticks. Shower within two hours and check your body using a full-length mirror.

Promoting Safe Driving Habits

Recognizing this week as Operation Safe Driver Week, which aims to reduce driving behaviors, here are some helpful tips so we can all enjoy the roadways safely.

Speeding has been a factor in more than a quarter of crash deaths since 2008. Nearly half of passenger vehicle occupants killed in 2019 were not wearing seatbelts.

Distracted driving is another behavior that puts people at risk. The AAA Traffic Safety Culture Index revealed that 88% of drivers believe distracted driving has outpaced all other traffic-related issues as a growing safety concern. In June, the Senate passed legislation, now law, limiting the use of handheld cellular and other devices while driving.


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