April 12, 2016

Sustainable Manufacturing in the Forest Products Industry

Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee forum discussion on sustainable manufacturing in the forest products industry.    [Read More]

Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control &title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&speed=0&badge=0&autopause=0&player_id=0&app_id=58479&buttons.like=0&" width="100%" frameborder="0" allow="fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;">
March 21, 2016

The Covered Device Recycling Act

Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control & Conservation Committee public hearing to review Act 108 of 2010, the Covered Device Recycling Act    [Read More]

February 9, 2016

Senator Hutchinson Issues Statement on Wolf’s 2016-17 budget

“It is truly disappointing that the Governor has decided once again that his priority is to massively raise taxes on the people of Pennsylvania rather than focusing upon cost containment measures and living within our means. Listen    [Read More]

October 28, 2015

Budget Impasse Update

Senator Hutchinson talks about an effort by Senate Republicans to override Governor Wolf’s veto of an emergency budget passed last month by the General Assembly.     [Read More]

State Senators Randy Vulakovich, Don White and Scott Hutchinson joined with local officials on Thursday (October 15) for a groundbreaking ceremony marking the start of the rehabilitation and restoration of Glade Run Lake Dam. The three senators worked to secure $2 million in state funding for the work, which involves the reconstruction of the dam's concrete spillway and the reinforcement of its embankment. Safety concerns about the dam forced the Fish and Boat Commission to drain the 52-acre lake in Middlesex Township, Butler County, several years ago. The work is expected to be completed next year with the refilled lake reopening to the public in 2017. “Glade Run Lake, particularly once it is refilled, will be a wonderful asset,” Senator White said. “The draining of the lake was a sad occasion for the region, especially for all of the anglers who made it a popular location for fishing. It was a pleasure to work with my colleagues and the community to support this project to bring back this recreational facility.” “I am pleased and grateful that the state committed vital state funding for the rehabilitation project,” said Senator Vulakovich. “This truly is a cooperative effort that has brought together local, county and state agencies and officials, all working to restore this lake. With the state funds in place, we hopefully can expeditiously move forward with the rehabilitation of the dam and surrounding area.” “This project represents a commitment by the community and the Commonwealth to preserve and protect the natural resources of our area through the restoration of Glade Run Dam and Lake,” said Senator Hutchinson. “The scope of this project goes well beyond one community or even Butler County. This project provides regional benefits, economically and environmentally, and I was happy to work with my colleagues to help bring it to fruition.” The project has the support of the Fish and Boat Commission, a number of local municipalities, the Butler County Board of Commissioners and the Glade Run Lake Conservancy, a 2,000-member citizens group formed after the lake was drained in June 2011. “We would like to thank all our members, donors, businesses, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission and all the government officials for making the dream come true. The effort we started at the grassroots level gained support and gathered momentum,” said Siggy Pehel, President of the Glade Run Lake Conservancy. “Many have asked us, how did we do it? It wasn’t easy and took many long hours. There were numerous board meetings, countless phone calls, e-mails and presentations to many groups. Middlesex Township and the Butler County Commissioners stepped up and provided important funding for the project.” “Senator Randy Vulakovich worked hand-in-hand with the Glade Run Lake Conservancy and came to the rescue,” Pehel continued. “He gathered the commitment and support of Senators Scott Hutchinson and Don White. This group successfully petitioned former Governor Tom Corbett to provide $2 million for the project. The collective efforts of everyone, local citizens and elected officials, made this project possible.” &title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&speed=0&badge=0&autopause=0&player_id=0&app_id=58479&buttons.like=0&" width="100%" frameborder="0" allow="fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;">
October 16, 2015

Senators Laud Groundbreaking for Glade Run Lake Restoration

State Senators Randy Vulakovich, Don White and Scott Hutchinson joined with local officials on Thursday (October 15) for a groundbreaking ceremony marking the start of the rehabilitation and restoration of Glade Run Lake Dam.       [Read More]

September 18, 2015

Stop Gap Budget Provides Money for Vital Services, Schools

The Senate today (September 18) approved a three-bill “stop gap” budget package to provides funding for schools and vital social services and sent the measures to the House of Representatives for consideration, according to Senator Scott Hutchinson.   [Read More]

September 17, 2015

Budget Impasse

Senator Hutchinson discusses the budget impasse and Senate Republicans’ efforts to pass a stopgap funding measure.  [Read More]

April 15, 2015

Hutchinson Resolution Recognizes Forest/Paper Products Industry in PA

Recognizing that timber products and associated industries employ 60,000 Pennsylvanians and pump $19 billion into the state economy annually, the Senate adopted Senator Scott Hutchinson’s Resolution on Tuesday recognizing April 14, 2015 as “Forest and Paper Products Day” in Pennsylvania.   [Read More]

April 13, 2015

Hutchinson Resolution Honors Local Governments

The Senate adopted Senator Scott Hutchinson’s Resolution on Monday (April 13) designating the week of April 13 through 18, 2015 as “Local Government Week” and April 15 as “Local Government Day” in Pennsylvania.   [Read More]

March 2, 2015

Senate Committees to Hear Testimony on Historic Act 13 Investments

Highlighting one of the most significant pieces of state legislation ever passed by the Pennsylvania General Assembly, two Senate committees will hear testimonials Tuesday from counties, townships, conservation districts and economic development organizations throughout the state who are currently benefiting from the natural gas drilling impact fee, according to Senators Gene Yaw (R-23) and Scott Hutchinson (R-21).   [Read More]

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