Hutchinson Supports Resolution Rejecting Asylum for Syrian Refugees
November 19, 2015

Hutchinson Supports Resolution Rejecting Asylum for Syrian Refugees

Senator Scott Hutchinson is cosponsoring a Senate Resolution directing Governor Wolf to reverse his decision to accept Syrian refugees into Pennsylvania until the federal government establishes increased security procedures to screen refugees from the Middle East region.  [Read More]

House Bill 1296
November 16, 2015

House Bill 1296

Senate Local Government Committee - November 18, 2015  [Read More]

Hutchinson Supports Senate Republicans’ Budget Veto Override
October 28, 2015

Hutchinson Supports Senate Republicans’ Budget Veto Override

Responding to growing pleas from schools and community groups to release overdue state funding, Senator Scott Hutchinson supported Senate Republicans’ effort on Wednesday (October 28) to override Governor Wolf’s veto of an emergency budget passed last month by the General Assembly.   [Read More]

October 28, 2015

Budget Impasse Update

Senator Hutchinson talks about an effort by Senate Republicans to override Governor Wolf’s veto of an emergency budget passed last month by the General Assembly.     [Read More]

Local Government Committee to Meet on Wednesday, October 28
October 27, 2015

Local Government Committee to Meet on Wednesday, October 28

The Senate Local Government Committee will meet at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, October 28, in Room 461 of the State Capitol in Harrisburg, according to Committee Chairman Senator Scott Hutchinson.  [Read More]


  1. Call to Order
  2. Consideration of Legislation
    • SB 997 (Alloway) – amends Titles 42 and 53 providing an exception to governmental immunity for municipalities of refuge, and precluding municipalities of refuge from applying to state law enforcement grant programs or participating in surplus state property sales, respectively.
      • A03411 (Hutchinson) – defines “municipality” and specifies that a municipality’s eligibility for grants and state surplus property purchases may be reinstated if it resumes enforcing immigration orders and rescinds any rule, order, ordinance or policy described under subsection (b).
    • SB 340 (Eichelberger) – amends the Local Government Unit Debt Act (“LGUDA”) in Title 53 (Municipalities Generally) by strengthening regulatory oversight by DCED and restrictions on municipal borrowing and project financing.
      • A03718 (Eichelberger) – clarifies the definition of “working capital” to include day-to-day operational costs and contingencies for up to one year after completion of a project. Clarifies that an authority or municipal authority in existence on the effective date of this paragraph formed by two or more local government units for the purpose of providing loan programs for the benefit of local government units and authorities or municipal authorities, shall not be subject to the provisions of § 8005(d) relating to procedures and prohibitions on issuance of guarantees. Also clarifies that the provisions regarding fiduciary duty only pertain to financial advisors retained and compensated directly by the municipality, not persons such as representatives of a lender or underwriter who are otherwise covered by federal securities laws. Makes multiple technical changes.
    • SB 341 (Blake) – amends Titles 53 (Municipalities Generally) and 65 (Public Officers) by establishing that a conflict of interest by a member of a municipal authority in the award of any contract or agreement is a prohibited act and empowers appropriate agencies with enforcement and prosecutorial powers.
    • SB 342 (Folmer) – amends Title 53 (Municipalities Generally) by restricting the use of interest-rate management agreements, otherwise known as "swaps."
      • A03721 (Hutchinson) – clarifies that an authority or municipal authority formed by two or more local government units for the purpose of providing loan programs for the benefit of local government units and other authorities or municipal authorities are not subject to subchapter F of Chapter 82. However, all municipal authorities are subject to these requirements.
    • SB 343 (Teplitz) – enacts the First Class City and County Interest Rate Management Agreement Act restricting the use of interest-rate management agreements, otherwise known as "swaps."
    • SB 344 (Eichelberger) – amends the Public Works Contractors' Bond Law of 1967 to insure one hundred percent project performance security for local governments.
  3. Adjournment
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October 23, 2015

SB 340, SB 341, SB 342, SB 343, SB 344, SB 997

Senate Local Government Committee - October 28, 2015    [Read More]

State Senators Randy Vulakovich, Don White and Scott Hutchinson joined with local officials on Thursday (October 15) for a groundbreaking ceremony marking the start of the rehabilitation and restoration of Glade Run Lake Dam. The three senators worked to secure $2 million in state funding for the work, which involves the reconstruction of the dam's concrete spillway and the reinforcement of its embankment. Safety concerns about the dam forced the Fish and Boat Commission to drain the 52-acre lake in Middlesex Township, Butler County, several years ago. The work is expected to be completed next year with the refilled lake reopening to the public in 2017. “Glade Run Lake, particularly once it is refilled, will be a wonderful asset,” Senator White said. “The draining of the lake was a sad occasion for the region, especially for all of the anglers who made it a popular location for fishing. It was a pleasure to work with my colleagues and the community to support this project to bring back this recreational facility.” “I am pleased and grateful that the state committed vital state funding for the rehabilitation project,” said Senator Vulakovich. “This truly is a cooperative effort that has brought together local, county and state agencies and officials, all working to restore this lake. With the state funds in place, we hopefully can expeditiously move forward with the rehabilitation of the dam and surrounding area.” “This project represents a commitment by the community and the Commonwealth to preserve and protect the natural resources of our area through the restoration of Glade Run Dam and Lake,” said Senator Hutchinson. “The scope of this project goes well beyond one community or even Butler County. This project provides regional benefits, economically and environmentally, and I was happy to work with my colleagues to help bring it to fruition.” The project has the support of the Fish and Boat Commission, a number of local municipalities, the Butler County Board of Commissioners and the Glade Run Lake Conservancy, a 2,000-member citizens group formed after the lake was drained in June 2011. “We would like to thank all our members, donors, businesses, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission and all the government officials for making the dream come true. The effort we started at the grassroots level gained support and gathered momentum,” said Siggy Pehel, President of the Glade Run Lake Conservancy. “Many have asked us, how did we do it? It wasn’t easy and took many long hours. There were numerous board meetings, countless phone calls, e-mails and presentations to many groups. Middlesex Township and the Butler County Commissioners stepped up and provided important funding for the project.” “Senator Randy Vulakovich worked hand-in-hand with the Glade Run Lake Conservancy and came to the rescue,” Pehel continued. “He gathered the commitment and support of Senators Scott Hutchinson and Don White. This group successfully petitioned former Governor Tom Corbett to provide $2 million for the project. The collective efforts of everyone, local citizens and elected officials, made this project possible.” &title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&speed=0&badge=0&autopause=0&player_id=0&app_id=58479&" width="100%" frameborder="0" allow="fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;">
October 16, 2015

Senators Laud Groundbreaking for Glade Run Lake Restoration

State Senators Randy Vulakovich, Don White and Scott Hutchinson joined with local officials on Thursday (October 15) for a groundbreaking ceremony marking the start of the rehabilitation and restoration of Glade Run Lake Dam.       [Read More]

SB 526 and 791 and HB 904, 906, 909 and 910
September 28, 2015

SB 526 and 791 and HB 904, 906, 909 and 910

Senate Local Government Committee - September 30, 2015  [Read More]

Hutchinson Participates in Panel to Discuss Local Benefits of Impact Fees and Industry Cooperation
September 21, 2015

Hutchinson Participates in Panel to Discuss Local Benefits of Impact Fees and Industry Cooperation

Speaking at a conference featuring national leaders in shale development and public policy, Senator Scott Hutchinson detailed efforts by western Pennsylvania communities to invest the state’s impact fee to protect and improve water quality in the region.  [Read More]

September 18, 2015

Stop Gap Budget Provides Money for Vital Services, Schools

The Senate today (September 18) approved a three-bill “stop gap” budget package to provides funding for schools and vital social services and sent the measures to the House of Representatives for consideration, according to Senator Scott Hutchinson.   [Read More]

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