A group of Senators has called on state Inspector General Bruce Beemer to investigate the process that led to the Department of Human Services’ (DHS) announced plans to close the Polk State Center and the White Haven State Center.
Senators Scott Hutchinson (R-21), Michele Brooks (R-50), Lisa Baker (R-20) and John Yudichak (D-14) sent a letter to Inspector General Beemer citing a number of troubling issues that led them to question the actions taken by DHS.
“The Department’s decision to close both Polk and White Haven State Centers could have life-or-death consequences for the residents who reside there,” the Senators wrote. “Due to the seriousness of the issue we believe a full investigation of the Department’s deliberations and decision-making process is warranted.”
The Senators questioned the lack of notification provided to residents of the Centers and their families, significant internal communication problems and potential conflict of interest issues in their letter to the Inspector General.
Senators’ letter to Inspector General Beemer.
Justin Leventry (Senator Hutchinson) (717) 787-9684 jleventry@pasen.gov
Diane McNaughton (Senator Brooks) (717) 787-1322 dmmcnaughton@pasen.gov
Andrew Seder (Senator Baker) (570) 226-5960 aseder@pasen.gov
Carly Simpson (Senator Yudichak) (717) 787-7105 carly.simpson@pasenate.com