Senate Works to Complete FY 2015-16 Budget

Working to finally close the book on the state’s Fiscal Year 2015-16 budget, the Senate approved a bill on Wednesday that would restore money slashed by the Governor’s line-item vetoes, while providing a modest increase for education without the need for new taxes, according to Senator Scott Hutchinson.

House Bill 1801, as amended by the Senate Appropriations Committee on Tuesday and approved by the full Senate on Wednesday, is a $30.031 billion spending plan that restores much of the $6 billion in funding for essential programs and services that were line-item vetoed by the Governor from the FY 2015-16 budget (House Bill 1460) enacted last December.

“This marks the fourth time that the Senate has acted to provide essential funding for our schools, agricultural programs and human services agencies,” Senator Hutchinson said. “This supplemental funding fills the holes created by the Governor through his line-item vetoes. It will keep agricultural extension services and 4-H programs running. It keeps schools open and in fact provides a significant increase in education funding. By signing this bill, the Governor can provide much needed money to schools and social service agencies. It is way past time for us to finalize this budget, move beyond the past and look toward Pennsylvania’s future.”

Contact:          Justin Leventry           (717) 787-9684



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