The Municipal Authority of the Borough of Union City in Erie County will receive $2.69 million in funding from the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST), according to Senator Scott Hutchinson.
The Authority received a $952,260 grant and a $1,737,740 low-interest loan for its Greensand Filtration System and Water Main Replacement project. The work will provide safe, reliable water service to an area where the water supplied by a reservoir experiences high levels of manganese during the summer and fall.
The project involves construction of a new filtration system, replacement of existing 4-inch water line with 6-inch lines, replacement of 18 fire hydrants, replacement of 6,000 linear feet of water line that will be buried deeper, and reestablishment of 80 service connections.
“The water system is under a notice of violation regarding the level of contamination,” said Senator Hutchinson. “This PENNVEST funding is an essential component to make this project viable. Local residents simply cannot afford to carry the total costs of this work. This funding will significantly reduce the burden that otherwise would fall on ratepayers.”
PENNVEST awarded the funds at its October 22 board meeting. PENNVEST financing is provided through the use of federal funding and prior bond issues by the state. It is not supported by the state’s General Fund budget, which covers the daily operations and services of the Commonwealth.
Contact: Justin Leventry (717) 787-9684.