A sewer expansion project that will eliminate on-going contamination problems in northern Armstrong County and southern Clarion County was awarded $3.3 million in state funding today, according to state Senators Scott Hutchinson and Don White and state Representative Donna Oberlander.
The Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) today (April 22) approved a $1,437,705 grant and a $1,905,795 low-interest loan for the Hawthorne Redbank Redbank Municipal Authority’s Area Sanitary Sewer Project – Phase B2/Oakridge Area.
The municipal authority plans to use the state funding to install nearly 25,800 feet of sewer lines in the Oakridge area of Redbank Township (Armstrong County) and Mayport area of Hawthorne Borough (Clarion County).
“This funding is certainly welcome news. The costs associated with this project would have placed an extremely heavy burden on the authority and, in particular, ratepayers,” said Senator Hutchinson, who represents Hawthorne Borough and serves as Chairman of the Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee. “The project will provide a cost-effective solution for wastewater treatment and improve the quality of life for the system’s customers.
“I was pleased to support this application for PENNVEST funding,” said Senator White, who serves Redbank Township and is a member of the PENNVEST board. “This area has already been cited for environmental problems by the Department of Environmental Protection. The DEP estimates that more than half of the on-lot septic systems in the area are malfunctioning and contaminating local waterways. This project will address those concerns.”
“This is a cooperative effort on the part of the municipalities to work together in a regional approach to address serious environmental issues that could adversely impact the health and quality of life of local residents,” said Representative Oberlander, who represents the region in the House and also serves on the PENNVEST board. “This is another substantial investment by the Commonwealth in our area which will eliminate the health hazards associated with malfunctioning on-lot systems and benefit the area now and well into the future.”###
Senator Hutchinson:
Justin Leventry jleventry@pasen.gov (717) 787-9684
Representative Oberlander:
Ty McCauslin tmccausl@pahousegop.com (717) 772-9979
Senator White:
Joe Pittman jpittman@pasen.gov (724) 357-0151